Pursuant to Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 70/03 titled “Implementation of Directive 2000/31/EC relating to certain legal aspects concerning information society services within the internal market, with particular reference to electronic commerce”, the following information is provided:


Text, images and any other multimedia content present on this website is either the property of the DATA CONTROLLER or licensed for use to the same.
All the distinguishing marks used on the website are owned by the DATA CONTROLLER or by the respective owners or licensees, who have granted the DATA CONTROLLER the right of use, limited to the publication of the same marks on the website itself.
No part whatsoever of this website (including text, images and any other multimedia content) can be reproduced or retransmitted without the specific authorisation of the DATA CONTROLLER, except in the case of non-transferable personal use. The use of the website for any unauthorised purpose is expressly prohibited by the law.


The personal data collected on this website and any other information that could directly or indirectly be associated to you, shall be processed and used in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 ("Personal Data Protection Code"). In compliance with and pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of this Code, the DATA CONTROLLER hereby informs you that the data you provide shall be processed using computerised tools and procedures, for the following purposes:

The provision of your Registration Data is compulsory and the failure to provide information, even in part, which is expressly indicated as being necessary for the fulfilment of the specific purposes shall render it impossible for the DATA CONTROLLER to facilitate the correct navigation on the website or to answer your questions or to provide you with the appropriate services.
In any case, the data shall never be disclosed.
The data controller is DATA CONTROLLER, in the person of its legal representative. At any time whatsoever, you shall be entitled to exercise your rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, which for your convenience is reproduced in full as follows:

Art. 7 – Right of access to personal data and other rights

The interested party shall be entitled to obtain conformation regarding the existence or non-existence of personal data concerning the party itself, even if not yet registered, and its communication in intelligible form.
The interested party has the right to request the following information:

The interested party shall be entitled to:

The interested party shall have the right to oppose, in whole or in part:

In order to offer the best browsing experience and to ensure the functionality of services provided by third parties, this web site uses Cookies issued by the DATA CONTROLLER or by third parties.

Cookies issued by the DATA CONTROLLER

While navigating this site, cookies issued by the DATA CONTROLLER refer to "technical" cookies used for the sole purpose of "carrying out the transmission of communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary in order for the provider of a service of the Information Society, explicitly requested by the subscriber or by the user, to provide the service in question” (cf. Art. 122, Paragraph 1 of the Code). These types of cookies are not used for other purposes and are installed as part of the normal browsing and navigation of our pages. They can be categorised as navigation cookies or session cookies, which guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website (allowing the user to make a purchase or providing authentication to restricted areas of the site); functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse in function of selected criteria (for example, in terms of the selected language, the products selected for purchase etc.) with the intent to improve the quality of the service rendered to the same. The installation of these types of cookies does not require the prior consent of the user, while the obligation to provide this information remains in accordance with Art. 13 of the Code.

Cookies issued by third parties for statistical or technical purposes

While browsing the website, the user may also receive cookies provided by different vendors (so-called "third-party cookies"); this occurs because the website visited may contain elements that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located.

The OWNER uses third-party cookies only for technical purposes, such as, for example, cookies issued in order to statistically analyse access/site visits (so-called "analytics cookies") or to facilitate user access to code issued by third parties, guaranteeing the best use of the service (authentication, administration pages, etc.).

The third party cookies used on this site and the procedures for opting-out or the deactivation of the same are outlined below:

This website don't use cookies for remarketing od advertising.

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    Mec+ Srl

    Registered office and production unit
    Via Crosera, 48
    Azzano Decimo ITALY

    Productive unit
    Via Prasecco, 56
    33170 Pordenone ITALY

    Tel. (+39) 0434 241097
    Fax. (+39) 0434 240512

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